Corinne Cooper was born and raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She received her BA and JD degrees from the University of Arizona. She is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, and the Order of the Coif.
After graduation, she practiced with the firm of Streich, Lang in Phoenix, Arizona, specializing in banking law. In 1982, she joined the faculty of UMKC School of Law, and taught contracts and commercial law for almost 20 years. She has been a visiting professor at the universities of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Kansas, and Colorado. She was elected to membership in the ALI in 1994. She was named a Professor Emerita of Law in 2000.
In 1993, Professor Cooper began to focus on the realm of professional communication, culminating in development of the multimedia presentation, Professional Presence®. She has presented to professional firms and organizations throughout the United States. In 2000, she retired from teaching to focus on communication consulting. In 2008, her work for Seton Hall School of Law won an Apex Award of Excellence for one-of-a-kind publications.
Her most recent communication book is How to Build a Law Firm Brand (ABA 2005), an e-book, also incorporated into How to Capture and Keep Clients, a book from the ABA on marketing. She has also published on communication for women (ABA GP|Solo 2004).
Professor Cooper has devoted several years to the development of non-verbal tools to teach law. She wrote two books on the subject: Getting Graphic®, on the use of non-verbal tools to teach commercial law, and Getting Graphic2®, about the use of graphics to teach law. She has a keen interest in adult learning theory and integrated this subject into her teaching and scholarship.
Professor Cooper was a member of the Board of Editors of the ABA Journal from 1999 to 2005, and was instrumental in the redesign of that publication. She is a member of the Council of the ABA General Practice Division. She served three years on the Council of the ABA Section of Business Law. She served two years as Editor of Business Law Today, which she redesigned. In 1996, she received the Business Law Section’s Glasscutter Award. She served on the ABA Standing Committee on Continuing Legal Education, and as founding chair of the Women’s Business Law Network. She was Business Law Section’s representative to the ABA Commission on Women.
Her most recent scholarly work is Attorney Liability in Bankruptcy (ABA 2006), which focuses on attorney liability under the new Bankruptcy Reform Act. A widely-recognized work, “Letter to a Young Law Student,” is an anthropological study of the first year of law school. Another narrative work, “The Madonnas Play Tug-of-War with the Whores,” explores the role of lobbyists in the law reform movement.
Most of her academic scholarship has been devoted to the Uniform Commercial Code, including The New Article 9 (ABA 1999; 2d ed. 2000) and The Portable UCC (ABA 2005), now in its 4th edition. Her chapter on the scope of Article 2A of the UCC, published in Equipment Leasing (Matthew Bender 1995), is the principal work in the field.
In 1988, she studied finance in the MBA program at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. In 1990, she served as the Director of Issues for the campaign of Terry Goddard for Governor of Arizona. She retains a keen interest in politics, although she has retired from her radio program, “The Week in Dispute.” She is a registered federal lobbyist.
Professor Cooper is the principal of Professional Presence®; she is also the principal of Outlaw Online®.