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John Isaza


    John Isaza is a California-based attorney, CEO of Information Governance Solutions (an Access Company) featuring Virgo™, a cloud-based software for records information management and global research, and partner at Rimon, where he chairs the records management and information governance practice. Mr. Isaza is one of the world’s foremost experts in the field. He has developed information governance and records retention programs for some of the most highly regulated Global 1000 companies. He is co-author of 7 Steps for Legal Holds of ESI & Other Documents, a contributing author to the ABA’s Internet Law for the Business Lawyer, 2nd Edition, as well as editor-in-chief and co-author of the recently released Handbook on Global Social Media Law for Business Lawyers. Mr. Isaza is past co-chair of the ABA’s Social Media Subcommittee, a fellow of ARMA International, and current co-chair of the ABA’s Consumer Privacy and Data Analytics Subcommittee.

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