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New York City, NY and London

Knox McIlwain

Cleary Gottlieb


    Knox McIlwain’s practice focuses on the regulation, resiliency and resolution of financial institutions, particularly global systemically important banks. 

    With experience in a broad array of financial company resolution regimes and related regulatory frameworks in the U.S., Europe and elsewhere, Knox helps clients with global business models navigate divergent and at times conflicting local regimes. He advises clients on a wide range of topics, from the structure of TLAC bonds and global resolution strategies to the rights of creditors and evolving regulatory requirements.

    Knox frequently works with clients on effective engagement with regulators, including responding to regulatory proposals and advocating for regulatory changes.

    Knox joined Cleary Gottlieb in 2007 and became counsel in 2017. He splits time between the firm’s London and New York offices.

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