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Chicago, IL

Matthew Stromquist

Pilgrim Christakis LLP


    Matt has been representing clients in complex commercial litigation and class actions for over a decade. He has tried jury and non-jury cases in federal and state courts around the country. He is also an appellate lawyer who prides himself on successfully preserving wins at the trial level.

    Matt’s love of music, culture and travel have taken him on some interesting adventures. He spent a summer working for a NGO outside Cape Town, South Africa, where he counseled rural farm laborers on their rights under the new Constitution. He won a Fulbright Fellowship to study itinerant, goat-herding folk musicians in the Himalayan foothills. He has also worked in Kenya and India, and learned multiple languages. But today he enjoys a less nomadic lifestyle, skiing, biking and sand-castle building with his family in Evanston.

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