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Wilmington, DE

Nicholas D. Mozal

Potter Anderson & Corroon LLP


    Nick Mozal is counsel in Potter Anderson Corroon’s Corporate Litigation Group and focuses his practice on corporate and commercial litigation in the Delaware Court of Chancery and Supreme Court. His experience includes litigating stockholder class and derivative claims, and statutory proceedings under the Delaware General Corporation Law, such as actions concerning advancement, appraisal, and contested board elections. He also counsels directors and special committees regarding issues of corporate governance and fiduciary duties.

    Before joining Potter Anderson, Nick was a law clerk for Vice Chancellor Morgan T. Zurn of the Delaware Court of Chancery. Prior to his clerkship, Nick was an associate in private practice in Wilmington and also served as a law clerk to the Honorable Franklin S. Van Antwerpen of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.


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