BLS Young Leaders Energize and Grow Securitization and Structured Finance Subcommittee

1 Min Read By: Eric Fidel, Business Law Today

The ABA Young Leaders in Securitization and Structured Finance is a growing subcommittee of the Business Law Section (BLS) Committee for Securitization and Structured Finance. The committee and the Young Leaders are at the forefront of discussing and tackling new issues in the growing field of structured finance.   Among the many topics discussed are cutting edge vehicles that manages leverage and risk, issues with warehousing and collateralized loan obligations and the effects of the latest Supreme Court decisions, such as, Collins v. Yellen, and their implications for the mortgage market. The Young Leaders take an active role in these discussions.  Most recently, the Young Leaders hosted a practical workshop on the payment waterfall.

The workshop, hosted by the Young Leaders and joined by the panelists Alfredo Moreira, a Director at BofA Securities, Inc., and Nikolas Ortega, an associate at Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP, was a practical introduction taking attendees through how the priority of payments is crafted from term sheet to final document. The workshop was a great success and useful not only for associates and newcomers into the securitization sector,but served as an important refresher for more seasoned market participants in the intricacies of structured financial products.

The BLS Committee for Securitization and Structured Finance, and the Young Leaders subcommittee are both planning to hold additional events furthering interest and development in the securitization sector The Young Leaders also hope to continue to host events for young lawyers who are in the sector or are interested in it.

By: Eric Fidel, Business Law Today


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