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Hon. Elizabeth S. Stong

U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of New York
Business of Law


    Hon. Elizabeth S. Stong

    U.S. Bankruptcy Court – Eastern District of New York

    Judge Stong is a US Bankruptcy Judge for the Eastern District of New York.  Previously, she was a litigation partner at Willkie Farr & Gallagher and law clerk to US District Judge David Mazzone.  She is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Council of the American Law Institute, the Advisory Committee to Columbia University’s Committee on Global Thought, and the Advisory Board of the ABA Center for Human Rights.  She holds leadership roles in the Practising Law Institute, PRIME Finance, and the ABA’s Business Law Section, International Law Section, and Judicial Division. 

    Her past positions include Harvard Law School Association President, NCBJ International Judicial Relations Committee Chair, Co-Chair of the American Bar Foundation New York Fellows, New York City Bar ADR Committee Chair, and Board Member of the ABA Center for Innovation.  She also served on the ABA’s Standing Committees on Pro Bono and Public Service, the American Judicial System, and Continuing Legal Education, and Commissions on Women in the Profession, and Homelessness and Poverty.

    Judge Stong is an adjunct professor at Brooklyn Law School and has trained judges in more than twenty-five countries on five continents, with ABA-ROLI, INSOL, the World Bank, and US Commerce Department.  She has received many awards for her work to improve access to justice.  She received her AB magna cum laude and her JD from Harvard University.


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