Thomas E. Rutledge is a member of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC (Louisville, Kentucky), where his practice is devoted to business and securities law with a focus on the law of business organizations. He advises clients on matters including choice of entity, structuring corporations, LLC and other organizational forms, and contracts between business ventures, including compliance with related securities and tax laws. He is as well involved in disputes between business owners, and from time to time serves as an expert witness in those disputes.
Tom has extensive involvement in the drafting of the business entity states of Kentucky and has been involved in numerous national level drafting projects with the ABA and the Uniform Law Commission. He is a past chair of the LLCs, Partnerships and Unincorporated Entities Committee of the Section of Business Law, ABA. He has been as well a member of the Corporate Laws Committee and a ULC Commissioner, and has served as an adjunct professor.
A frequent speaker and writer on business entity law as well as an expert witness, his publications include as co-author of Rutledge & Vestal on Kentucky Partnerships and Limited Partnerships, articles in the Kentucky Law Journal and the Delaware Journal of Corporate Law and as a regular columnist to the since discontinued Journal of Passthrough Entities. Various of his articles have been cited by courts including the 6th and 7th Circuit Courts of Appeals, the Kentucky Supreme Court and the Delaware Chancery Court, and he has been cited as well in an amicus brief submitted to the US Supreme Court in the Hobby Lobby/Conestoga Specialty Wood Products cases. In 2004 he was elected to membership in the American Law Institute, and in 2018 both received the Martin A. Lubaroff Award and joined Ribstein and Keatinge on Limited Liability Companies in (pale) replacement of the late Professor Ribstein.