Book Chat — The Fraudulent Transfer of Wealth: Unwound and Explained

6 Min View By: David J. Slenn

“You need to understand fraudulent transfer law because of its broad scope. It might be an old, ancient law, but it is more than capable of handling today’s modern, sophisticated transactions,” says David J. Slenn. In The Fraudulent Transfer of Wealth: Unwound and Explained, Slenn outlines steps that planners can take to minimize a transaction’s exposure to avoidance and proactive measures that creditors can take to reduce the chance of losing assets. Here, Slenn discusses the risks of misunderstanding fraudulent transfer law, the book’s step-by-step guide to key issues, and top lessons learned.

The Fraudulent Transfer of Wealth: Unwound and Explained is available from the American Bar Association in book and e-book form.

Read more about the video’s featured speaker below:

David J. Slenn

David J. Slenn is a partner in the Naples and Tampa, Florida offices of Akerman LLP. He focuses his practice on tax, estate, and business planning with an emphasis on risk management. He was an ABA Advisor to the Uniform Law Commission’s Uniform Voidable Transactions Act Drafting Committee, and chair of the ABA’s Asset Protection Planning Committee. This unique experience enables David to counsel both creditors and debtors regarding complex issues that arise at the intersection of fraudulent transfer law and the transfer of wealth. This experience includes helping business owners and public figures with liability exposure analysis as well as assisting creditors with transactional matters and litigation strategy. David J. Slenn is the editor and a co-author of the Captive Insurance Deskbook for the Business Lawyer.

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Rick Paszkiet

Rick Paszkiet is the Content Manager of the Business Law Section of the American Bar Association.

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