A Deeper Dive — Who Is the Client? The Ethics Rule Implications for In-House Counsel and Outside Counsel

27 Min View By: Shannon “A.J.” Singleton, Alicia Still

Shannon “A.J.” Singleton and Alicia Still delve into the ethical requirements for in-house counsel and outside counsel, extending the discussion of a Showcase CLE program at the ABA Business Law Section’s 2022 Hybrid Spring Meeting (now available as on-demand CLE). Their conversation hits on the in-house implications of ABA Model Rule of Professional Conduct 4.2, what it takes to forge relationships with colleagues on the business side and why it matters, and more.

Read more about the video’s speakers below:

Shannon “A.J.” Singleton

A.J. is a Member in Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC’s Business Litigation practice, concentrating on Business Torts, Trust & Estate litigation, and Lawyer Departures and Law Firm Break-Ups. He served as SKO’s Deputy General Counsel from 2007 to 2018, when he became the firm’s General Counsel. A.J. is Chair of the ABA Business Law Section’s Professional Responsibility Committee. He is also a member of the Kentucky Bar Association’s Ethics Committee; Chair of the Lexington Fayette Urban County Government’s Ethics Commission; and a frequent CLE lecturer on legal ethics, risk management for lawyers and law firms, and the attorney-client privilege.

Alicia Still

Alicia Still is North American Legal Manager at Alltech, Inc., supporting all business units on personnel, litigation, commercial, and risk matters, as well as promoting operational efficiencies within the legal department. She also serves on Alltech’s Risk Oversight Committee COVID-19 response team. She is President of the Board of Directors for the Kentucky Chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) and has spoken extensively on ethical issues for in-house lawyers as well as how to be successful when transitioning in-house. Alicia is a graduate of Transylvania University and the University of Kentucky College of Law.


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