Key Concepts in Standard Form Enterprise Cloud Agreements: Tips and Tools for Negotiation and Implementation—Cloud Computing and Cloud Marketplace Toolkit Project

IMPORTANT NOTE: This presentation quotes language from selected Amazon Web Services (AWS®), Google Cloud®, and Microsoft Azure® agreements as examples.* The presentation aims neither to promote nor criticize those cloud service providers or any of their respective products. To avoid vendor bias, the Subcommittee refers in related work product to services and legal terms offered by various cloud service providers. 
Areas of Focus: Role, Timing, and Process
In this guide, we imagine the common situation where an organization—referred to as the enterprise or the enterprise customer—is looking for a cloud-based technology solution. The business lawyer representing the enterprise is given the cloud provider’s or vendor’s standard-form “enterprise agreement.” We will be focusing on what role our business lawyer can play with respect to the negotiation and implementation of the enterprise agreement, as well as with respect to being a contributor adding value to the larger process. Key to many potential action items and areas of opportunity is our

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